In a scenario like the current one, marked by volatility and uncertainty, new information needs to arise for decision-making. Speed of response is more critical than ever can mark the future of the company. Financial departments should be able to meet these new requirements in an agile and flexible way to drive business insight for relevant stakeholders.
Financial departments are challenged to address these new needs in strategic, a structured and efficient way. It is common to tackle the needs setting up daily crisis committees, modeling ad-hoc scenarios in spreadsheets, creation of task-force to comply with regulatory requirements in a manual way, etc.
From everis we help our client’s finance departments to create new enabling capabilities to address those needs in a more agile, sustainable, efficient and accurate way.
- Top- Dow approach: Decision-making executed centrally by management areas to be challenged in feasibility by Business Units/Geographies/Functions…
- Integrated Model information: Financial and operational information sharing repositories and data sources, taxonomy alignment, financial calculations driven by operational variables.
- Advanced Analytics: new tools that enable flexible predictive and prescriptive scenario modeling.
- Threshold Management: Business modeling and insights triggered by events and critical KPIs threshold trespassing.
- New Role for the Controller: Moving from consolidation to analysis, which requires from arranging the area with new skills.
… Achieving new benefits for the Company in different dimensions
Transformational journey towards a more dynamic model...
We observe most corporations evolving towards greater dynamic capabilities around a three scenarios journey.
Ability to shape the fit-for-purpose maturity in top-down methodology, integrated model, advanced analytics, management by thresholds and new role controller requires a cost/benefit analysis. Market leaders prove being able to capture relevant achievements with incremental sustainable improvements to the model, rather than disruptive transformation.
Relevant transformational journey projects
everis partners with leading finance organizations in the analysis and definition and implementation of the evolution journey.